Attention! You invest outside AFM supervision. No licensing and prospectus requirement for this activity.


Thank you for your interest in participating in the Circle Fund. It is very easy to participate in the fund, with a minimum amount of €100,000, even if you are not registered in the Netherlands.

We always prefer a personal meeting because we want to get to know you and learn more about you. You are therefore more than welcome to visit our office, but we can also visit your home or arrange a meeting along the way. If you don't need it, you can also easily register digitally.

We will contact you after completing the form below.

Digitale inschijfformulieren

Private deelname


Vul het inschrijfformulier in en onderteken daarna gelijk digitaal om de inschrijving te starten.

Nadat u het formulier heeft ingevuld en ondertekend, dient u uw handtekening te verifiëren via de automatische e-mail die u van ons ontvangt.

Private deelname

Medeparticipant (optioneel)

Indien u een medeparticipant wilt toevoegen dient de medeparticipant dit inschrijfformulier in te vullen.

Nadat u het formulier heeft ingevuld en ondertekend, dient u uw handtekening te verifiëren via de automatische e-mail die u van ons ontvangt.

Zakelijke deelname


Vul het inschrijfformulier in en onderteken daarna gelijk digitaal om de inschrijving te starten.

Nadat u het formulier heeft ingevuld en ondertekend, dient u uw handtekening te verifiëren via de automatische e-mail die u van ons ontvangt.

Make your choice

Digitally private

Click the link below if you want to register digitally as a private person.

Digital business

Click on the link below if you want to register digitally as a legal entity.

Make an appointment

Click here if you want to make an appointment with our relationship manager.

Bedankt! Uw inzending is ontvangen!
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Frequently asked questions

How safe is my money?

The fund assets, or your money, are in the name of the Circle Fund Legal Property Foundation. This foundation is managed by IQ EQ Custody B.V., which is supervised by De Nederlandsche Bank. As a manager, we can only carry out investment transactions and have no control over the fund's assets.

Can I withdraw my winnings?

Sure, if you win, you can of course withdraw it. Withdrawals and deposits into the fund are possible on any trading day of the fund from €1,000 at no additional cost.

How do I track my investment?

Participants can view the value of their investments daily via their personal portal. The return and values are published on the portal weekly after trading days and at the end of each calendar month.

What is investing outside AFM supervision?

Protecting your assets is a priority. We use robust risk management to maintain your capital.

What is market-neutral investing?

Market neutral investing is an investment strategy designed to be independent of the overall direction of the financial markets. The goal is to achieve returns regardless of whether the markets rise, fall or move sideways.

What is a hurdle rate?

Also known as a minimum return or threshold return. This is a financial benchmark or an established return that your investment must achieve before profit sharing or other financial arrangements take effect. We use a 10% hurdle rate, which means that you do not have to pay profit sharing for the first 10% return per year.

Bank details keeper

Your deposit must be credited to the depositary's bank account no later than the last business day
before the next trading day. You can download the bank details here.

Follow-up deposit

If you want to make a follow-up deposit, please complete the document below and send it to us before
making the transfer. Follow-up deposits are possible from €1,000 or $1,000, depending on your
participation class.


The sale by participations takes place on the next business day on which purchasing is possible according to the memorandum. Selling participations is possible from €1,000 or $1,000, depending on your participation class.


Want to know more about Circle Fund?

We would love to get to know you without obligation.

Request an information package

Request our information package if you want to learn more about the Circle FX Fund. You will receive all the information in your mailbox. Participation is possible from €100,000.
Thank you for your request for information.
You will receive the information package in your mailbox within 1 business day.
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Looking to invest in the Circle FX Fund? Then contact us. Participation is possible from €100,000.
Thank you for your interest.
We will contact you within 1 business day.
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