Attention! You invest outside AFM supervision. No licensing and prospectus requirement for this activity.


The Circle Fund aims for an average medium-term return (3 to 5 years) of at least 15% per annum, after deduction of all costs.

Below is an overview of the fund's net returns per participation class, as calculated for our administrator IQ EQ Financial Services B.V.

Circle Fund returns

Juni -0,16%

Overzicht participatieklasse A
(vanaf €100.000 euro)

NAV per 30/06/2024: €126,5381

Rendement 2024: +12,66%
Rendement sinds start: +26,52%
Gemiddeld per maand: +2,21%

Download the factsheet to view the returns.

Juni -0,19%

Overzicht participatieklasse I
(vanaf €500.000)

NAV per 30/06/2024: €127,7685

Rendement 2024: +13,27%
Rendement sinds start: +27,74%
Gemiddeld per maand: +2,31%

Download the factsheet to view the returns.

Historical results & strategy

We share the historical returns with you below to provide an indication of expected returns. However, it is important to note that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

The returns reflect the gross results achieved before the launch of the Circle Fund investment fund, which applied the same trading strategy to individual investors' investment accounts.

Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Month Returns
Jan +6,82%
Feb +0,37%
Mar +7,64%
Apr -0,96%
May +3,58%
Jun +3,89%
Jul none
Aug none
Sep none
Oct none
Nov none
Dec none
Total (cumulative) +21,34%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Month Returns
Jan +2,67%
Feb -6,56%
Mar +16,83%
Apr +15,10%
May -2,63%
Jun +7,05%
Jul -5,03%
Aug +5,34%
Sep +4,54%
Oct +0,13%
Nov +1,53%
Dec +3,12%
Total (cumulative) +42,09%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Month Returns
Jan +2,24%
Feb +3,83%
Mar -17,35%
Apr +26,16%
May +2,35%
Jun +3,21%
Jul +4,21%
Aug +1,11%
Sep +3,30%
Oct 0,64%
Nov +6,64%
Dec +2,86%
Total (cumulative) +39,19%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Month Returns
Jan none
Feb none
Mar none
Apr none
May none
Jun none
Jul none
Aug none
Sep none
Oct none
Nov -0.76%
Dec +3.75%
Total (cumulative) +2,99%

The Key Information Document (Eid)

For each participation class of this fund, a key information document has been prepared containing essential information about the fund, including details of risks, costs and returns of the investment product. The information in the key information document, including the risk indicator, is regularly reviewed and adjusted as necessary.


Before looking at the returns below, it is important to know that we are talking about returns before the investment fund starts and about returns from the start of the investment fund. We present you with the historical returns achieved with the applied strategy, because we would like to give you an indication of the expected returns.

The returns below represent realised, gross returns from the period in which the exact same trading strategy was applied to individual investors' investment accounts. For the Circle Fund, we apply the same trading strategy.

Track record Gold strategy

2023 (as of 01/06)

Circle Fund strategy returns

Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Bruto rendement Circle Fund strategie 2020
Maand Rendement
Jan none
Feb none
Mar none
Apr none
May none
Jun none
Jul none
Aug none
Sep none
Oct none
Nov -0.76%
Dec +3.75%
Total (cumulative) +2,99%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Bruto rendement Circle Fund strategie 2021
Maand Rendement
Jan +2,24%
Feb +3,83%
Mar -17,35%
Apr +26,16%
May +2,35%
Jun +3,21%
Jul +4,21%
Aug +1,11%
Sep +3,30%
Oct 0,64%
Nov +6,64%
Dec +2,86%
Total (cumulative) +39,19%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Bruto rendement Circle Fund strategie 2022
Maand Rendement
Jan +2,67%
Feb -6,56%
Mar +16,83%
Apr +15,10%
May -2,63%
Jun +7,05%
Jul -5,03%
Aug +5,34%
Sep +4,54%
Oct +0,13%
Nov +1,53%
Dec +3,12%
Total (cumulative) +42,09%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Bruto rendement Circle Fund strategie 2023
Maand Rendement
Jan +6,82%
Feb +0,37%
Mar +7,64%
Apr -0,96%
May +3,58%
Jun +3,89%
Jul none
Aug none
Sep none
Oct none
Nov none
Dec none
Total (cumulative) +21,34%


All results shown above have been audited by an external auditor. The results shown from 2023 to the launch of the Circle Fund (July 1, 2023) will be verified as soon as the full year ends.

The verification reports are available for your review below.

No items found.

2023 (until the end of June)
Jaar Rendement Audit
2020 (vanaf nov.) +2,99% Verificatierapport 2020
2021 +39,19% Verificatierapport 2021
2022 +42,09% Verificatierapport 2022

Investment fund return

The returns shown below are the realized net returns of the Circle Fund investment fund (participation class A — EUR) that was opened to participants as of 1 July 2023.

No items found.

Class A - EUR

Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
No items found.

Circle Fund's value change in% per month (after deduction of all costs).
Source: IQ EQ Financial Services B.V. and Circle Fund Management B.V.

Class I yield - EUR

Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
Maand Nettovermogenswaarde Rendementen in %
Jan €122.8 -1.7%
Feb €124.8 +1.6%
Mar €124.2 -0.5%
Apr €114.9 -7.5%
May €110.6 -3.8%
Jun €110.9 +0.3%
Jul €106.3 -4.2%
Aug €106.4 +0.1%
Sep €106.4 +0.0%
Oct €104.7 -1.6%
Nov €103.2 -1.4%
Dec €101.8 -1.4%
2022 FULL YEAR -18.5%
No items found.

Circle Fund's value change in% per month (after deduction of all costs).
Source: IQ EQ Financial Services B.V. and Circle Fund Management B.V.


The Essential Information Document (Eid) provides you with essential information about our investment fund. It is not marketing material. The information is required by law to help you understand the nature, risks, costs, potential profits and losses of this product and to help you compare it with other products.

Download here the Key Information Documents from the Circle Fund.

No items found.


Do you have questions about the return and/or risks? We would be happy to talk to you by phone, online or in person. To make an appointment, please call: +31 (0) 20 301 13 30.

No items found.

Want to know more about Circle Fund?

We would love to get to know you without obligation.

Request an information package

Request our information package if you want to learn more about the Circle FX Fund. You will receive all the information in your mailbox. Participation is possible from €100,000.
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You will receive the information package in your mailbox within 1 business day.
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Looking to invest in the Circle FX Fund? Then contact us. Participation is possible from €100,000.
Thank you for your interest.
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